2 July 2010

The strange case of Prog 1159

I'm sure you've all seen this prog, with it's Devlin Waugh cover by Sean Phillips and the free cd (if not get your arse on ebay and buy it). Well did you know that there is another cover to this prog, yes folks another cover!

Even the might of Barney only shows the Sean Phillips cover but due to a stroke of pure luck and good eyesight I found the unknown, alternate cover.

I had already bought the prog from my local comic shop The Grinning Demon and after my normal long chat I wandered about the town. Eventually I ended up in Smiths at the comics area, ready to spread the 2000AD's across the shelves (and the Megs) and what did I see. Well at first I thought it was last weeks prog as I didn't recognise the cover, then I wondered if next weeks had come in by mistake, that is until I opened it. The contents are the exactly the same and there is no mention in the Nerve Centre about the two covers, how strange! Obviously I bought a copy and went straight back to the comic shop to speak about my find. The only reason we could come up with about the two covers being in the same town was the suppliers are different but still we had no idea about why two covers.

At one of the Dreddcons I mentioned this to Tharg's minions and if I remember correctly they said that they had a deal for those cd's but only managed to get 30,000 of them and so had to quickly come up with a different cover. The cover is of Mazeworld by Arhur Ranson and on here it looks almost 3D. Well I suppose I better put the prog up or no-one will believe me, so here it is.


  1. Good lord! You really DO learn something new every day!

  2. Ah you see I don't recognise that Sean Phillips cover at all but I do know the Maze World cover. Maybe the freebie wasn't available in different regions of the UK?

  3. I Think GNR maybe right, I don't remember that CD but do recognise the mazeworld one... we're in roughly the same area East Coast Scotland

  4. Mazeworld on my one... bought from the newsy in my old hometown in deepest darkest Surrey.

  5. How weird, everyone seems to have the Mazeworld prog but Barney shows only the Devlin Waugh prog!!!!
    I might have to get in touch with Tharg himself.

  6. Maybe it was an overseas version. Free gifts tend not to be available outside the UK. Possibly a few slipped into UK distribution.

    worldshown (with the Devlin Waugh cover btw)

  7. BARNEY does show the alternate cover, but only on the progs's profile page (in the star scan slot).


Please feel free to leave a comment and add any extra information that you may know of!